DW Productions LLC
DW Productions LLC
- 4 High-Point Buckles & Reserve Awards Each Weekend
- Jr Walk-Trot (Rider 17 & Under)
- Sr. Walk-Trot (Rider 18 & Over)
- Jr. Walk-Trot-Lope (Rider 17 & Under)
- Sr. Walk-Trot-Lope (Rider 18 & Over)
- Series Year End Awards: Details TBD
- My hope is to have awards for the Top 5 Youth & Top 5 Seniors but that is dependent on sponsors.
- High-Point Custom Miguel Aguilar Ranch Saddle Drawing
- We will draw the winner of the saddle.
- Saddle Value: $4200
- Top 5 Youth & Top 5 Seniors from the Series will be in the drawing!
- Points are based on horse/rider combo.
See my full rules on the Show Information tab for more details.​
Ranch Horse Conformation
Ranch Horse Conformation
Attire: Appropriate western attire includes a long sleeve shirt with collar and cuff that has buttons, or snaps that must be fastened at the wrist, a western hat and boots with heels.

Ranch Rail Pleasure
Ranch Rail Pleasure
A rider must show his/her horse with only one hand on the reins, unless the horse is five years old or younger and is being shown in a snaffle bit or hackamore (bosal).
A horse will be shown at three gaits: the walk, jog and lope both directions in the arena. You may also be asked to reverse away from the rail, to stop and to back. The judge may ask for an extended walk, jog, or lope. Extended jog may be ridden by sitting in the saddle, posting or standing in the stirrups.
The judge is looking for a forward moving horse with a natural stride that is balanced, and that gives the appearance of the horse being willing, responsive, alert and a pleasure to ride. The horse should represent the movement of a horse that can get a job done on the ranch while possessing great athletic ability.
Ranch Riding
Ranch Riding
This is a pattern class that will show your horses ability to work at a forward, working speed while performing maneuvers. The horse’s performance should simulate a horse riding outside the confines of an arena and that of a working ranch horse.
The pattern may have you walk, trot and lope in both directions, stop and back. The judge is looking for smooth transitions between gaits, keeping the correct lead and maintaining the correct gait between markers. Patterns may include walking or trotting over ground poles, ability to pivot your horse, lead changes, large or small circles.
A rider must show his/her horse with only one hand on the reins, unless the horse is five years old or younger and is being shown in a snaffle bit or hackamore (bosal).

Additional Show Information
Additional Show Information
Classes that Count for Walk-Trot Ranch High Point:
- W/T Ranch Horse Conformation
- W/T Ranch Rail Pleasure
- W/T Ranch Riding
- W/T Jackpot Ranch Rail Pleasure
Classes that count for Ranch Horse High-Point:
- Ranch Horse Conformation
- Ranch Rail Pleasure
- Ranch Riding
- Jackpot Ranch Rail Pleasure
- ​
Show Attire for the Ranch Classes: Appropriate western attire includes a long sleeve shirt with collar and cuff that has buttons or snaps that must be fastened at the wrist, a western hat and boots with heels. Adding chinks, wild rags or western scarves are optional. Safety helmets (hard hats) are allowed in all classes.
Additional Rules:
- Same horse/rider combo cannot go in w/t & w/t/l classes in the same day. However, the same horse may be shown in both divisions with a different rider. The same rider can show in both divisions with a different horse for each division.
- You can only show in one like class. Example: If you choose to go in Ranch Horse Conformation, you cannot enter another halter class. If you choose to show in Ranch Pleasure, you cannot show in another Western Pleasure class.
- If there are no Ranch Horse classes, you can show in whatever classes you want. Example: Sundays of my series shows, there are no ranch classes so you can show in any classes you would like. Each day is a new show!
- No fake tails are allowed in the ranch classes.
- No hoof polish.
- Clipping is optional and up to the discretion of the exhibitor.
- Equipment with silver will give the exhibitor no advantage over someone without.